Risk Management Tool

Still spending hours on managing risk manually via spreadsheets? Risk management is probably the most headaches for executives and security professionals. However, dealing with security risks, governance, and comply to standards is not anymore a difficult task with Steppa Cyber risk management web-based platform
Standards and regulations can help organizations create a better cyber security program. This will allow to mitigate the threat against complex and continuous cyber attacks. As such, risk assessment plays a major role in developing such standards and regulations. In this context, Steppa's risk management platform helps you to insert assets, assign risks, plan mitigation and reviews, prioritize and track tasks, and visualize reports and trends. This is done based on benchmarks and international standards such as NIST, ISO, among others. Our tasks include, but not limited to, the following items:


* Penetration Testing (also called pen testing) <>/strong, which is practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit.
* Vulnerability Assessment, which is the process of identifying, quantifying, estimating and prioritizing (or ranking) the vulnerabilities in a system.
* Reporting, which includes generating reports when necessary. 


In this service, we leverage a comprehensive approach to help executives and professionals to evaluate their organization's readiness level and prepare for threats, before they occur. Contact us now for a FREE DEMO
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